Sunday, July 29, 2012

I posted this saying awhile ago.  It's as true today as it was then...  Still taking the steps.  

Healing and recovering from losing everything, it's a process.  

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Woman2Woman wall photos
Moving on, for me, is about accepting where I'm at.  That is not always a good thing, in some ways it is and in some ways I hate where I'm at.  I'm starting over - completely.  So I need to accept I have a past, wash the dirt of my hands, trust that there is a purpose to everything; hold my head high and walk forward.  

The most important thing for me is faith in God.  If I didn't have that foundation of faith it would be so easy to become consumed with bitterness and anger.  But, I have seen Gods work in my life and I have seen him work in others when they allow his love and spirit to move within them.  I believe in Gods word, that he has great and beautiful things planned for me in this life.  I also have a purpose here and it's through the fulfillment of that purpose that I will experience the happiness of my inheritance.  

I have strayed from the path and that's ok - God has planned for that and it's up to me to take the lessons from that experience and continue on with my purpose.  Forgive myself, trust myself and move forward.