Saturday, June 16, 2012

Trust it...

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This is amazingly true.  So many times we sit in sorrow and self pity when things are so bad we can't see to the other side.  Instead of knowing this is part of how we grow.  

I can't believe it's been 2 years since I left my marriage.  It was the hardest thing I have EVER done!  I didn't think I would be able to do it.  Here I am, 2 years later, sitting in Starbucks reflecting on my journey.  

It's by no means been easy, I still struggle.  My ex is not paying support, he is in a deep, deep depression - not working.  He is struggling with his alcohol addiction and cannot see the light through the trees.  

I must keep going.  I have a son to raise, I'm Mom and Dad right now.  I have to stay in a strict budget.  I thank God I HAVE a budget to stick to!  It could be NO money!!  Praise God is what I say, I have some money left after bills.  

I choose to see this as my finest moment.  Although sometimes I feel stuck and I feel like I have no direction, I keep going - Forward.  Just keep moving! It may not seem like it now, at this moment, but There is a purpose, there is a reason.  

Trust it, Trust HIM!

Friday, June 8, 2012


From Unconditional Love Wall photos FB
I just wanted to post a prayer and praise God for his work in my life!  

I look around me and I don't have much but, I have enough.  It's not great right now but, we are ok.  

I have Love, I have God and I have family!!  I feel so blessed by God.  Some little part of my heart (God speaking to my 'feelings,' as the little boy said) is telling me things will be better someday! 

 This is a part of my journey that is tough.  I must have had some lessons to learn, I am 'becoming' who I'm supposed to be and that only happens through tough, dark, difficult times; that's when we grow, that's when we become who we are at the core.  

Thank you Jesus for taking care of me and Jake.  We are ok.  We are growing.  We will become who God needs us to be!  

My heart smiles at the wings I am growing to fly into my future!  

Heavenly Father give me the direction in which to fly! 


Sunday, June 3, 2012

From Brave Girls photos
I've needed to hear this lately.  Faith is my cornerstone to my days.  I pray and I thank God for the blessings he has given me and I try my hardest not to take them for granted because once I do they will be gone.  

I have a beautiful place God hand picked for me and Jake to live and heal in.  I'm looking out my window now, over the park at the trees and I feel the blessing.  I have some extra money in the bank my Dad helped me with.  My bills are gettint paid but I must learn a strict budget - another lesson in this journey.  

Right now I think my job is to heal, learn as many lessons as I can and to find my direction.  
I feel God has many wonderful things planned for my life.  Patients is hard, finding my solid direction is hard.  SOMETIMES being alone is hard.  I want to turn to someone for support with Jake or with a problem I'm having and no one is there.  

I will move forward knowing God is providing for me and I will have what is needed to keep me going.  I will find my direction, it's there but I have healing and lessons to get through first.

As my sister says; ''Things WILL get better!''